No matter where you are in life right now, there's a good chance you are at this point because of your past.
It doesn't have to be that way because your past doesn't equal your future.
Two Factors That Can Hold You Back From Success. Today I learned to two new words: psychosclerosis and homeostasis and they can hold you back from living the life you desire.
Are You Struggling In Your Home Business? If you already have a home-based
business, Direct sales, MLM or whatever and you are using Facebook as your blog,
I can tell you right now, you are making a BIG mistake.
What is F.O.M.O. any? Do you have it? Fear Of Missing Out. If you’re like most people, at some point in time we have been preoccupied by the idea that someone, somewhere, is having a better time, making more money, or leading a more exciting life than we are.
We all have storms in our lives whether they are small daily storms or the occasional major storms. It's important that we know how we can conquer those storms when they happen.
101 reasons you should attend company events. I’m sure there are more than 101 reasons you should attend company events but actually I’m only going to talk about 4.