How Empower Network Has Impacted My Life

I attended an Empower Network Event in Denver and it changed my life. I had never attended an Event before that impacted my life so much.
Let me tell you how it all began….


Before I joined Empower, I was marketing a $9.95 phone app. At least I thought I was marketing it but I soon found out I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing.

I was on Twitter, posting about my phone app and I kept seeing tweets about Empower Network and making money online… even though I don’t think the name was mentioned in any of the tweets…

I clicked on one and entered my email address and was taken to a video what forever changed my life.


When something is for you, you will not let it go. You will feel it in your heart.  That’s what I did. I knew this was for me. Maybe it was the tone of his voice that captured me. I’m not really sure what it was. The sincerity in his voice let me know I wanted whatever it was that he was offering.

I watched the video several times because I was absolutely mesmerized.  I had been on training calls with previous companies and had watched many sales videos but nothing like what I was watching that particular night.

Truthfully…I clicked the link, pulled out my credit card and joined. I didn’t have a clue what I was joining or what I would be doing, I just knew in my heart this was for me and I have never looked back.

I knew within a few minutes after joining I realized I didn’t know anything about online marketing. haha. I had several marketing classes in high school and in college but nothing like the training I received within this company.

So…what would I be doing?  I would be blogging but more importantly I would be learning. I started learning about myself.  I was introduced to a book I had not heard of much less read.  You would think that someone my age (that’s a secret) and my education I would have heard of the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill but the truth of the matter is I had never heard of that book along with many others that should be on YOUR reading list.




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Morning Mindset Call – 9am EST / 6am Pacific

Live Call: 9am EST Monday-Friday: 712-432-0900 – Access Code: 565762# If you miss it or can’t make it live dial into the Replay Number when you can:712-432-0990 Access Code: 565762# (Usually up for 23 hours)


Paul Hutchings & Me in Charlotte

Paul Hutchings and me in Charlotte, NC  I love Paul and our “Think and Grow Rich” call.

I started learning about marketing, SEO, email lists, capture pages, social media and that is a very small part of the training within our products.  If you are a seasoned online marketer you will be surprised to know that I didn’t know how to create a hyperlink.

I would get on the Empower Hour call every Monday and listen to Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe speak their vision and empower everyone listening.

I listened to the Inner Circle Audios (one of the products available) where top leaders within the industry and within our company shared their success stories along with their passion and vision of helping everyone in the company become successful.




Shortly after I joined Empower they had an Event in Denver.  I had never been to an Event with any company before and didn’t know what to expect.  Briefly, let me tell you my concerns about going…Airfare was over $700, motel was around $125 per night and I planned on staying at least 3 nights, closest airport is 2 hours away, arrangements had to be made for someone to cover for me at work, I didn’t know how I was going to get to the airport nor did I know how I was going to get home from the airport.  I hadn’t flown in over 10 years  (before 911) so didn’t know what to expect at the airport.  I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture.


Me in Denver at Convention Center

At the Denver Convention Center where it all happened.

Bottom line is that I wanted to go so bad that I made it happen.

At the Event I met Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe and one of my teammates, Jason, took my picture with each of them.

Denver, Jason and Me

Jason and me in Denver…Love you Jason!

Have you ever heard a picture is worth a thousand words?  Well I wouldn’t take $1000 for my pictures with them.  Just the pictures alone were worth the trip, not including the training, fellowship, and personal development I received.

Dave Wood & Me 2

(Dave Wood and me in Denver. This pic was worth the trip.)

The Event lasted for 3 days and I never quit smiling from the time I landed in Denver until I landed back in Memphis.  Actually, I’m smiling right now just thinking about it.

Not only did I get to meet Dave and Dave, I got to meet my sponsor, Michael, and his sponsor, Alex, and many other team members and leaders within the company.


Denver, Michael, Me & Alex

Michael, Me, and Alex Z. I am so grateful for Michael and Alex! You inspire me daily and I thank you for your leadership.

I have never looked back and I know this is the best business decision I have ever made.


I could post lots of pictures because I have lots.  I had my iphone and my camera going at the same time during the Event.  There was so much “energy” at that Event it’s difficult to explain.  This company is going  places and if you want your business to be successful, we can help you do that.  


Denver, Me & Mike Hobbs

(Mike Hobbs and me in Denver.  Mike does daily training to help our team succeed. I can’t even explain how much Mike has helped me and influenced me. You are awesome Mike and I love and appreciate you!)

This post is actually day 4 of a 21 day Blogging Challenge.  At this point, Empower Network has created 14 verified million dollar earners and 100’s of six figure earners. Do you want to be the next one?

21 day blogging challenge

Today, my team is growing as we all work together, Mastermind with each other, empower, inspire and love each other.

If you want what we have, please reach out to me immediately.


To Your Prosperity,


DaveWood Hugging Me


Dave Wood & Me in Denver…

You’ll love us and we’ll love you back.


Sherry Starnes