Tag: personal development

Do You Hear or Do You Listen?

Listening and hearing are completely two different actions. There is a difference, strong but not always noted, between listening and hearing.  We hear with our ears, but we listen with our minds. If we want to understand listening, it helps to understand hearing. Watch the video and think about whether or not you are a

What To Do If Your Sponsor or Upline Quits

If you have been in Network Marketing, Direct Selling, or a Home-Based Business of any kind, you may have been in a situation when you sponsor or upline has quit. What are you doing to do? Are you going to quit as well? A question you need  to ask yourself is “what is my vision?”

Who The Heck Is T. Harv Eker?

  If you haven’t read the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker, I highly recommend you do.  Eker starts the book  by saying: “Who the Heck Is T. Harv Eker, and Why Should I Read This Book?” T. Harv Eker has helped over 1.5 million people move closer to their goal

Power Of Words

The power of words and your language structure can have an astounding effect on the message you are trying to send.   Today’s Video Could Be The Single Most Important Video You Watch! Click Play Below…   Click Here To Watch Dave’s Video On Changing the words you speak changes everything”          

What's In Your Blog?

Do you ever feel like you have created a killer headline for your post and then lose your readers with an opening that didn’t hold their interest. A great headline mixed with a lame opening is like inviting someone into your house, only to slam the door in their face when they get close to

Where To Share Your Blog On Social Media

If writing blogs is part of  your business, you know you that Social Media is a powerful tool that can be used to  attract people in to your website.  I thought I would share some of the best social media platforms for blogging. Social Media Groups Many platforms such as LinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook allow groups

Are You Coachable?

Are you coachable or do you already know everything?     Being coachable means being able to let go of your pride and ego and become teachable, trainable, AND coachable. Putting it another way, being coachable is agreeing to follow the guidance of someone else without questioning it.  It’s putting full faith in the person