There are many reasons why people have difficulty in setting and achieving their goals. However, one of the most important reasons is because they don’t know what they want. They aren't clear on their vision.
People don’t really hate Mondays, they hate the thought of what Mondays represent. Watch this video and see the real reason why people hate Mondays. It’s not really the day of the week that they hate. It’s the fact that they are going to a JOB that they hate. They hate the people they work for.
We all have fears and sometimes struggle to conquer those fears. What Is Your Greatest Fear? What Is Your Greatest Fear? According to Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich”, there are 6 basic fears. 1. Fear of Poverty 2. Fear of Criticism 3. Fear of Ill Health 4. Fear of loss
Creating interesting and informative content is sometimes harder than it might appear at first but these 9 online tools to create engaging content will make it easier.
If you haven’t read the book “Change Your Thinking Change Your Life” by Brian Tracy I highly recommend you do. Here’s why. “Change Your Thinking Change Your Life” by Brian Tracy The 3 P’s of Positive Programming 1. Personal 2. Positive 3. Present Tense Personal would be “I like myself” Positive would be “I am