Characteristics Of A Top Producer/Top Earner (Part 2)

If you missed the first part of Characteristics of a Top Producer/Top Earner here’s a short summary and you can see the full blog and video here.  (1-5)


1.  Top Producers have a vision

2.  Top Producers treat their Business like a Business.

3.  Top Producers DON’T WAIT.

4.  Top Producers DO

5.  Top Producers invest in themselves.


 Part 2  (6-10)

6.  Serve Others – Get rid of the dollar signs and start being a contributor and think about other people.  Learn something new, do it, teach it to others.

-Contribute on social media.
-Find out the problems others are having and start being a problem solver.

-Engage with you followers.
-Always be giving value.
-It’s not about you…It’s about serving others.
-Be a blessing to others


Successful people are always


7.  Position yourself as an expert.  Watch other leaders and learn from them.  Do what they do.  Become and expert and an authority in your industry.

8.  Focus.  We all have resistance in our lives but you have to forus on getting you work done.
-You are the boss.  Tell yourself what to do.
-Turn off all distractions including your phone and social media.
-Set times and map out your projects and get them done.

9.  Think Abundance & Prosperity. Get rid of the “lack” mentality and have a abundance mentality.
-Have an attitude of gratitude
-Think positive thoughts
-Surround yourself with positive people


When you are grateful


10.  Have a daily plan of action.  Whatever you are doing, i.e. blogging, generating traffic, or sending emails, know your plan to get everything accomplished.
-Focus on income producing activities (ipas)

I would also like to add that exercising, whether it walking, jogging, working out, or any other means of exercise is also helpful in getting you stimulated and pumped up to do your work.


Please feel free to comment below and share your thoughts on characteristics of top producers and top earners in the network marketing industry or the home business industry in general.

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