13 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Blog

It can be frustrating when you spend a lot of time writing your biog post and no one is reading it.

Take a look at these 13 reasons why no one is reading your blog and see if you are making some of these mistakes.

1. You haven’t identified a strong target market.

You can’t create compelling content without an in-depth knowledge of your audience. Knowing your audience will not only help you create better content, but it will also help guide your topics, strategy and monetization efforts.

2. You aren’t creating content specifically for your target market.

What do they like?

How old are they?

What are their hobbies?

Where do they hang out?

What do they look like?

3. Your content doesn’t offer any value for your readers.

This is the information age.  People who are reading your blog want value.  When you provide value, they are more likely to come back and read your blog again.  Be useful when you share information with your readers and leave your readers wanting more from you!

Provide Value

4. Your blog posts contain poor grammar and spelling errors.

We don’t all have the skills to have perfect grammar and spelling, but when your blog posts is filled with bad grammar and silly spelling errors, you will lose your credibility and your readers won’t be coming back to read your blog any time soon.  Do a “spell check” before you hit publish.

5. You focus too much on products, services and promotions.
Don’t always talk about you. The occasional announcement is okay, but you shouldn’t always be promoting something. Make your content about the reader – not you.


6.  You are not promoting your blog.
Social media is absolutely imperative for growing your blog! No blog will see any growth without the use of social media. Therefore you MUST be on social media to grow your blog.

Be consistent on social media! When people see your name pop up in their feeds, they are more likely to click through to your site!

7. You’re not putting any personality into your writing.

Boring….That’s what people think when your content lacks personality. Even the most serious brands can allow their personality to shine through. Don’t be boring.  You don’t have to have an expertly designed blog. Your blog simply needs to be visually appealing, uncluttered and shouldn’t confuse your readers.

8. You don’t include enough images throughout the post.

We are visual creatures.

Including images throughout your post creates natural breaks in the content. This keeps readers engaged and reading, instead of distracted and leaving

9.  You don’t post regularly.

Consistency is key when you are growing your blog and your audience. The same goes for social media. Don’t do it part time. Social media is a huge part of driving traffic to your blog and being consistent and visible will definitely send readers your way.   If you want to drive traffic to your blog, you will need to post regularly.  At least 4-5 times a week.

10. Your blog isn’t optimized for mobile reading.

More and more people are using their mobile phone to consume content. It’s also increasingly important for SEO.

A responsive design ensures that your website is optimized for mobile viewing. Don’t overlook this key design aspect.

11. Your blog takes too long to load.

By nature, the Internet gives us information as fast as we want it.

If your website takes too long to load, readers will abandon their quest to get information from your site – and they’ll quickly find it somewhere else.

12. You haven’t optimized for social sharing.

Publishing solid content is only half the battle.

Getting people to read it can only happen if they know it’s there. Social sharing optimization makes it easy for the readers you do have to help you spread the word.

13. You don’t send your new posts to your email list.

Anyone who’s starting a blog needs an email list.

But if you don’t do anything with that list, it won’t do you any good. Set up your email marketing service to update list members each time a new blog post releases. This can typically be done automatically, giving you a quick and easy way to get more people reading your blog posts.


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