12 Easy Tips To Improve Your Email Open Rates

Are you struggling with your email open rates?

Here’s a few easy tips that will help improve your open rates.

1.  Subject Line – What you say in the subject line is very important and has a major impact to your email deliverability. Over 35% of SPAM is detected from an email’s Subject Line.   Your email subject line bears most of the responsibility of getting your email open rates up where they should be.

Here are a few things to remember:

* Don’t Spam – Tell your reader what they will read and don’t trick them into opening the email.

* Don’t Yell – Using all CAPS sometimes implies yelling.

* Numbers Do Work – Numbers increase engagement so don’t shy away from using numbers in your subject line because they will improve your email open rates.

* Spam Words and Phrases – I use GetResponse as my email marketing platform and they furnish a list of words and phrases that are usually flagged as Spam.

Here are a few to avoid:

Accept credit cards            

Free sample

Cancel at any time

Consolidate debt and credit

Act now! Don’t hesitate!

Can’t live without


Percent Off


Cash bonus

get it now

All natural

Cash cash cash

Special promotion



Copy accurately

Apply Online

Cell phone cancer scam

Copy DVDs

As seen on

Cents on the dollar

Tips To Improve Your email open rates

2. A/B Test Your Subject Lines.  A/B is based on the very simple idea of having two ideas, and letting your audience tell you which one they like. 

Another way to perform testing is through Seed Accounts. Set up “seed” accounts to test your inboxing to improve your email open rates. 

Set up at least 4 test accounts. One each for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, & AOL. Make sure you receive a test email to at least 3 out of 4 of the seed (test) accounts before sending the actual email. Test, test & test again until they inbox.

tips to increase email open rates

3.  Personalize Your Emails –

Emails are by people, from people, for people.  People connect with people, not with inanimate objects.

Whatever you fill the “from” line with, be sure to keep it the same as much as possible. This trains your reader and spam filters to expect the email from the same sender.

4.  Know Your Market –

Getting the Right People in front of the Right Message at just the Right Time.

Know the conversations taking place inside the mind of your prospect.

Your product is not your product. Your real product is people. Know your prospect better than you know your product.

Learn more about people than you learn about your product and you will have just learned more about the REAL product that you market.

Formula For Effective Sales Copy: Problem, Agitation, and Solution.

Provide a solution to problems.

Tips to improve email open rates

5.  Furnish Great Content –

A few examples for great content are:

1.    Information– Company, Product(s), Pay Plan, Founders, The Leaders, The Corporate Team, Etc.

2.    Education– Generic How to or Specific How to

3.    Inspiration– Human Interest Piece (struggle to success stories, breakthrough stories,etc)

4.    Entertainment– Videos, Blog posts, or emails of real life funny things, get togethers,candid event interviews or conversations, etc

5.    Promotion- Discounts, Bonuses, Freebies

CONTENT is important.  If you are constantly asking your list to buy, they will eventually unsubscribe.  At least that’s what I do anyway.

Tips to improve email open rates

 6. Use Your Real Name. You are trying to build a relationship with your subscribers right?  Let them put a name with your face.  After all, who would you rather receive an email from…a friend or a business?


7.  Use Your Real Email Address – what happens when you write from “[email protected]”?

No one replies right?  As a blogger and marketer, you want your subscribers to know you are a real person and they can connect with you.


I have also found that a paid email has a better open rate than a free account.  A free account is gmail, yahoo, aol, etc.  It’s best to purchase a domain and create a email forwarding to another account….even a free account.  This can easily be done with a GoDaddy domain and I’m sure it’s just as easy with other domain providers.

8. Use Clear Subject Lines 33% of email recipients open email based on subject line alone. Don’t confuse your reader.  Let them know in the subject line what’s inside.


9.  Use Power Words In Your Subject Line – As I mentioned (and listed) several words not to use,  there are also many words that are powerful and intriguing. 

Some examples are “guaranteed, “secrets”, “discover”, “unleash”, “off-limits”, “proven”, “you”.  Sensory and emotional words attract more attention and will increase email open rates.


10.  Use The Word You instead of I. “You” is one of the most persuasive words in the English language.  This will help build a stronger relationship and make your reader feel like you are talking directly to them.


11. Use The Power Of P.S.- Remind people of a deadline. Or repeat what they stand to lose if they don’t take up your offer. Always continue to provide a benefit.


12.   Have A Personal Welcome Message – When someone opts in my email list, they immediately receive a welcome email.  Almost always, this email will contain a personal welcome video from me…here’s an example < < – –  Even if you don’t include a video, it’s still important that they receive a personal message from you.  At that point, you can let them know when to expect emails from you and also ask them to “whitelist” your email.

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I hope you benefited from these Tips To Improve Your Email Open Rates and if so, please feel free to share with others who will benefit.