The Day That Turns Your Life Around
Recently I was on a Webcast and the topic discussed was being “overwhelmed”.
Are you feeling overwhelmed right now?
I don’t know why but it made me think about a lesson I learned from one of my mentors, Jim Rohn.
He tells the story about the day that turned his life around.
Briefly put…
He was 25 years old, married, had a family and one day while he was home by himself he hears a knock on his door.
It was a little girl scout selling girl scout cookies. He wanted to buy the cookies but the problem was he didn’t have the $2.
Rather than telling the little girl scout he didn’t have $2, he lied to her and said he already had lots of girl scout cookies.
After the little girl left he said to himself “how low can you get…lying to a girl scout?
That was the day he said “I don’t want to live like this anymore.”

That was the day that turned his life around.
Have you been in a situation where you didn’t have the money to buy something as inexpensive as girl scout cookies?
In this short video, Mr. Rohn talks about “4 Emotions That Can Change Your Life In A Day”.
4 Emotions That Can Change Your Life In A Day.
1. Disgust– This is the day you say “I’ve had it!” You’re tired of the way things are. It’s called a life changing day…the day you say “enough is enough”
2. Decision – Decisions are both powerful and emotional. What should you do? You must decide. If it’s easy do it easy. If it’s hard do it hard. Just get it done.
3. Desire – Wanting to bad enough.
Desire comes from inside not outside.
Desire can be triggered by something and we should welcome all human experiences because you never know which one is going to turn it all on.
Even welcome the bad experiences because sometimes the bitterest experience will result in the greatest awaking.
Let life touch you.
4. Resolve – Resolve says “I will”.
“Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on its stated purpose.” Benjamin Disraeli
While talking to a group of Jr. High students, he asked them if they knew what the word resolve meant. A little Jr High girl says resolve is “promising yourself you will never give up.”
How very true….
Do you know what triggers all emotions into activity that brings results?
You must do something about how you feel.
Be doers…not just listeners.
I remember the day that turned my life around.
I was watching a video, much like this one, and I told myself “I don’t know what he’s got but I want it too”.
You never know what will trigger that emotion for you to say enough is enough.
It could be a video like it was for me.
A book
An audio
An act of kindness
Never give up UNTIL…However long that its. UNTIL… happens.
“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”
Benjamin Disraeli
Is opportunity knocking on your door right now?
Are you ready?
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Welcome to Persistent Partners!
When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Been there, done that, don’t want to go back. Thanks for the post Sherry!!
I agree Mark…sick and tired isn’t much fun. Enough is enough. Thanks for commenting Mark! Very much appreciated
I felt as though you were speaking directly to me. I clearly remember the day that turned my life around. When I said I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Great post!
Sherry, Great post I love that story because we never know what will set us off on a new journey.Pity the person who discovers what they could have done if only they were present. Time and opportunity wait for no one.
Amazing what we can do with the emotions that we have and how we can use them to improve our lives! Great blog post Sherry!
I saved this on Facebook a few days ago because something caught my attention and I wanted to read it. Great post and awesome video Thank you so much for sharing this!
Thanks so much Shauna! Glad you enjoyed the post! I’ve listened to Jim Rohn and his story for a long time and thought this was worth sharing. I appreciate your very nice comments!
Thanks Shauna! So glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate your comments!