Are You Experiencing FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out
In 2013, the word “FOMO” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. The “fear of missing out” refers to the feeling of “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere.”
(I’m often surprised at the new acronyms I’m learning.)
Even though the terminology has only recently been added to our dictionary, experiencing FOMO is nothing new.
If you’re like most people, at some point in time we have been preoccupied by the idea that someone, somewhere, is having a better time, making more money, or leading a more exciting life than we are.
Have you ever felt that way?
Social media and smart phones have made it easier than ever to track what others are doing.
Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to keep tabs on people we care about. An important part of what makes us human is our need to be social.
However, many companies have found ways to tap into this impulse to keep us coming back to their apps and websites regularly.
Studies have shown that FOMO is often linked to feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction, and that social media fuels it.
Think how many people constantly scan email or Facebook to keep up with friends’ updates. Some people don’t just want to keep up – they start to compare their lives based on how they see others portraying their own.
I fully realize that using smartphones and social media is a necessity in business, but how many hours are you spending on social media (especially Facebook) that is NOT business related?
An article from Psychologies Magazine points out, FOMO is sort of like “modern take on the grass being greener on the other side.”

I’m not referring to logging in to Facebook several times a day. It’s the “antsy” feeling that we have to stay constantly connected. Almost to the point of having withdrawals.
I read a few articles that suggested that FOMO is a trait you are born with. I’m not sure I agree with that but I do know that since social media became a part of our lives , it makes that type of fear surface.
Let me give you a couple of illustrations to think about.
Have you seen a photo come through your newsfeed of a bunch of friends out on the lake, shopping, or eating out at a cool restaurant and a thought of “I wish I were doing that”? No big deal, right?

But then, you see a photo album from a friend’s vacation or mission trip and you’re convinced that you need to do that (whatever “that” is). Soon, it turns into thoughts of places to move, jobs to snag or other life-related milestones.
It’s almost to the point of envious. I know all of us experience this but where the FOMO comes in is when you are consumed with these feelings.
Here’s another one to think about. How many times are you on Facebook each day? Maybe I shouldn’t ask how many times but rather how long do you spend on Facebook each day? Again, I not referring to connecting with potential customers or anything that is business related…I’m talking about looking at your newsfeed….because you have FOMO.
How could you spend this time more wisely? The problem is that you’re actually everywhere and nowhere at the same time. You’re spending to much valuable time wishing you were someplace else to really enjoy whatever it is that you’re doing at the moment.
I have been discussing FOMO as it relates to the time we spend on social media or even checking out email.
However, FOMO effects our working lives, too. Have you ever been on Facebook at work and your boss walks by and you have to hurry to clear or switch screens? Think about it.
FOMO is the fear that everyone else is having more fun, more excitement and more rewarding experiences than you. Whether on the school bus or at the far end of the dining table, it’s something we’ve all experienced.
Leave a comment below and let me know to what degree you have FOMO. (I’m assuming we all have a little).
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I enjoyed reading your post, Sherry. I never knew about FOMO until now, and I can totally relate to it. It’s important to make the most of life, otherwise you’ll blink and then wonder where all the time went. I don’t want to be the person that regrets a bunch of things I didn’t do in my life. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your comments Aaron. I’ll have to admit I didn’t know about FOMO either. Once I saw the acronym and started doing research I was surprised it actually had a name. It’s easy to waste time and maybe this post will help others stop and think twice. Thanks again for the comments.
How are you Sherry? Like Aaron.. I also didn’t know about FOMO. It is very powerful when you realize you are simply missing out on life and make a decision to change. Great post. I appreciate you smart blogging work. Keep it up
Thanks Justin! As I mentioned in an earlier comment, I didn’t know about FOMO either. It’s often easy to get side-tracked and lose focus…especially when it comes to social media. Thanks for your nice comments and glad you enjoyed the post.
Sherry I love your post. I have heard the term but not the acronym and had no idea we are now adding them to our dictionary. As I was reading I kept thinking I did not do this – until I got to Facebook and yes I do check FB way too often. Thanks for a great post.
Thanks Sue and glad you enjoyed the post. You’re right…I think many of us are the same way when it comes to Facebook. As I said in the post, we need to use Facebook for business BUT, it is SO easy to get distracted there. haha. Thanks so much for your comments!
What a great article, Sherry! I love how you connect this obsession with social media to the fact that we ARE missing out if we don’t put it to work for us in a positive way. Great content! 🙂
Thanks Tamara. Glad you enjoyed the post.I agree…sometimes we are missing out. That reminds me of a quote by Ben Franklin “Lost time is never found again”. We don’t realize it’s lost until it’s too late. Thanks for your comments. Very much appreciate your input.
Hi Sherry,
KUDO’s on your fine work here!
A very nicely done write up. I have to laugh
because the NHL uses this very psychology
to market their Game Center Live subscription,
FOMOH (fear of missing out of hockey).
Have a highly inspired day 🙂
Steven Suchar
Hi Steven and thanks for your comments. I didn’t realize that sports teams are using this as a marketing tool. haha…After thinking about it I can see where it would work. Thanks for your comments and enlightening me as well. I’m a MLB fan…wonder if they use it in some form as well?
I never heard this term Sherry but I can certainly see how many of us fall into an addiction when it comes to the fear of missing out. Your post provides some valuable information and I think social media has really brought this ‘fear’ into more of a reality for people. I have purposely limited my time on social media because of what you discuss here. Good article!
Thanks so much for your comments Lynn! I had never heard of it either. Actually some of the research I did stated that social media targets people who have FOMO. That’s kind of scary.
I too limit my time on social media…therefore, I miss out on what’s going on in our team-All-In chat. lol
Thanks for your comments Lynn and glad you enjoyed the post.
Hi my name is Ken and I have FOMO.
HAHA…love this post! It’s so true, we all want to know what’s going on with other people and social media has increased this need exponentially. For me I need to close my social windows to get any blog posts done. I find I work better in the flow this way.
Is there a 12 step program?
Ken Pickard The Network Dad
FOMO in California…squirrel!
Hey Ken…haha I’ll have to check and find out about the 12-step program. If there isn’t one, there probably will be soon. I agree…I have to focus on one thing at a time too. I know that social media is important, especially for business, but it can also be a distraction.
Thanks so much for your comments Ken!
FOMO. I admit that I too am afflicted. If I want to get anything done anymore, I have to shut Facebook down because there is always something going on in the chat and I get sucked in and then I can’t wait for the next comment and…..I digress.
Great post Sherry
Thanks for your comments Mark. As you can see from my previous comments, I too have to shut down FB and focus on one thing at a time too… We probably all have a little FOMO…some more than others.
Putting a time limit helps but then…what did we miss? lol
Thanks for your comments Mark!
Wow!! This post was so enlightening!
I’m with you, this is crazy that I am just now hearing that this is in the dictionary, I was gonna let you know how brilliant it was for you to come up with the Acronym. thanks for sharing for sure. . this is definitely something that I often find my self experiencing.
It wasn’t until I learn the Power of Clarity that I realized that what ever is meant for me I will recieve and that I don’t need to be in the know or mix of everything.
Check out my blog post about the Power of Clarity: I’m sure you’ll enjoy!
Thanks so much for you comments and for sharing your blog Victoria. I checked it out and it is great! I left you comments. Might want to check and see if it went to Spam and this one did. Probably because of the link. I agree…the power of clarity and purpose is necessary. I sent you a link to a similar post a did a few weeks earlier.
Thanks for your comments and so glad you enjoyed the post!
I can certainly relate Sherry.. I have been feeling this way for sometime now. I had to reevaluate my day to day operation. Great post!
Thanks Trayon. Glad you enjoyed the post. I think a lot of us need to reevaluate our day-to-day operation. Social media can be great but it can also be addictive. Thanks for your comments!