7 Practical Social Media Practices That Will Generate More Traffic From Your Followers

We all know how important social media is to our business but are you taking the right steps that will help grow your following and generate more traffic?

Here are 7 Practical Social Media Practices That Will Generate More Traffic From Your Followers and at the same time you will be building your brand (your presence) online.


Social Media Updates

 Update Regularly

Have you ever looked at someones profile to see the last time something was posted?  It doesn’t matter if it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest … when I look at someone’s profile and see that it’s been months (or years) since something was posted, I think twice about accepting that friend request or following someone back. If its been more than a week or two since they last posted, or if I can tell they aren’t regularly posting updates, I don’t follow.

When you post regularly,  not only are people more apt to follow you, they are also more likely to interact. There is nothing more powerful than people making you their happy habit, which means that every day they look and don’t miss your update in their news feed.  People like to follow people who are active and who will show up.


Develop A Consistent Style 

Another benefit for posting regularly is that you will develop your “voice.” When you post daily you begin to find your style. The more familiar you are with your own voice and style, the more likable you will be and likable you are which means you will attract more followers. Maintain daily posting.

Interacting on Social Media

Comment On Others Posts And Updates

Everyone likes to be noticed. So start noticing people by comment on their post.  By doing this you will  draw positive attention to members of your target audience. Make your comments valuable and useful. Genuinely add something and don’t just say “great post” or “nice”. Make your comments sincere. Realize that acknowledging people is a very powerful way to build followers and lasting connections.

“Like” often and be generous with your praise. 

Helping Others

Help Others

Reciprocity is a powerful way for motivating, inspiring creating, and maintaining an area of cooperative behavior. People will respond favorably to you (and each other) by returning value for value.  As often as possible, offer to help by reaching out, go the extra mile and do it consistently. Then stand back and watch how the favors get returned. 

Like Minded People

Connect With Relevant Pages And Contacts

Connect with pages and personalities that relate to you, determine who you are,and how you want to be seen. It’s best to choose pages from your target market or niche. This will help build up your network. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Don't be bashful

Don’t Be Bashful

If you want to succeed online, you have to engage, right? So it goes without saying that you may have to step out of your comfort zone in a big way. Decide what you will share and what you won’t share. You are going to need to share your pictures, stories, and thought so be authentic personable at the same time.

Content is king

Provide Valuable Content

It doesn’t matter what social media platform you are using, your posts need to be interesting and provide content that is valuable to others. If you aren’t providing value, whether it’s your knowledge, stories, videos, tricks and tips…or whatever, make sure it something that is beneficial to others.