What Is Content Marketing?


 What is Content Marketing?


If you are an online marketer I’m sure you

have heard of content marketing and you may

very well be an expert in the field of this

marketing strategy. 



However, many times the term “content marketing”

is used haphazardly by people who actually

do not have a clue what it is.


Very simply put, content marketing focuses on

providing valuable information or content to

potential and current customers for the purpose of

building trust, branding themselves, lending awareness,

and positive attitude.



Content marketing helps you establish yourself

as an expert in your field and helps you build

a long-term business relationship.  It is all about

building a relationship and not the direct sell.


Here are a few very effective ways that should

be included in your content marketing strategy:





Social Media Posts









Live Presentations


PowerPoint Presentations







Predictions are that mobile will soon takeover desktop

usage within a couple of years and it is going to be vitally

important that you are ready.


Keep in mind that your content needs to be original.

Original content helps your site get more exposure

and google rewards high quality sites with a better

ranking, therefore increasing traffic to your business website.


The next thing to remember is to have a call to action.

This tells the reader how to apply for information also

known as letting the visitors know what to do, and a
benefit from reading it. Qualify yourself with great
content and reassure the readers that reading the
content is worth it. 


Engage your readers and prospective customers by asking

questions and allowing them to comment on your blog.


Lastly, keep your blog updated.  Providing new and

valuable content will encourage readers to return to your

site for more valuable information.


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Sherry Parks Starnes


[email protected]

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