What Is Passive Income?

What is Passive Income and Why is it important

to your business?


Simply explained by one of my mentors

to his 7 year old son…Passive Income is when

“you do the work once and you get paid over

and over and over.”



According to Wikipedia:


Passive income is an income received on a

regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it.


I found it interesting that this may not be part of

the curriculum taught in high school.  Being

a former high school Business Education

teacher, I could not find specifically where

passive income is even defined.


I fully realize the schools cannot teach our

children everything they need to know so

we as parents need to take the initiative to

teach our children certain values and instill

empowering beliefs and not limiting beliefs.


The purpose of this article is two fold:


1.    We need to understand passive income

and take advantage of it to the fullest extent.


2.    We need to take it upon ourselves to empower

and teach our children the importance of passive

income so they can understand they do not have

to live a limiting life.


I want to note that it has been a few years since

I taught school and maybe things have changed

and possibly there is now more focus on assisting

students in understanding their future…setting

goals and achieving their dreams.


Are you earning passive income in your present

position or business?  If not, I would suggest

you click here << — and find out how you can

start earning a substantial passive income and

begin living the life of financial freedom.


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a moment to share it with someone who will

benefit from it.


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To Your Prosperity,


Sherry Parks Starnes

Sherry Starnes

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