5 Tips To Making Your Day More Productive
Many times it’s easy to get distracted from what we should be doing to get our daily work completed.
Procrastination can be a killer sometimes. I have put together a few tips that will help you have a more productive day in your Network Marketing business. If you have a regular J.O.B., these tips may also be helpful even though you have scheduled work hours.
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1. Start your day by focusing on yourself. If you begin your morning by checking your email or catching up with everyone on Facebook, it allows others to dictate what you accomplish. Start your day with the right mindset and that will lead to a more productive day. I highly recommend dialing in to the “Think and Grow Rich” call each morning at 9:00 EST. 712-432-0990 Access Code: 565762# The live call is at 9am EST Monday-Friday: 712-432-0900 – Access Code: 565762#
2. Create your to-do-list the night before. Knowing what has to be accomplished during the day makes it easier to stay focused. Follow your to-do-list, which you created the night before, and allow a specific amount of time for each activity. Using a stop watch can very very helpful in keeping you on track for the amount of time you spend on each activity. I use the Ultimate Stop Watch which I downloaded from the App Store to my iphone and ipod. You might be completely surprised to know exactly how you spend your time throughout a work week. Tracking your time can help you to find inefficiencies and ways to improve your productivity. Without knowing how your time is spent, it’s hard to know how you can improve the use of your time.
3. Block out distractions. When you need to do something that requires your full attention, stop multi-tasking. Don’t worry about messages you are receiving or anything else that takes away from being completely focused. You will get things done faster, and you won’t be derailed by interruptions. You will complete your important tasks better and faster when you are fully focused. Eliminating or controlling distractions will lead to greater efficiency, but in order to do so you’ll first have to accurately recognize and understand specifically what challenges you have when it comes to working productively.
4. Be consistent in completing your task in order. Knock out your most challenging work when your brain is most fresh. In Network Marketing many times things have to be done in a specific order before you can go on the the next task. For instance, you have to create your blog before you can market it, but you need to be consistent in your marketing techniques to make sure they all get completed.
5. Have realistic expectations (80/20 rule). Did you know that only 20 percent of what you do each day produces 80 percent of your results? Avoid the things that don’t matter during your workday because they have a minimal effect on your overall productivity. What small changes to your day have allowed you to get more done? How have you tweaked the way you work or live to increase your productivity? If you found these 5 tips to Making Your Day More Productive and would like to have the freedom to work your day around your own schedule lock arms with me and join the Prosperity Team and begin leading the life you want and deserve.
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