10 Reasons Why Every Business Should Blog

Why should every business blog?

It helps drive traffic to your website. The more Traffic you have to your website the more sales you are likely to create.  

1. A blog will build credibility (great for branding).

If your company’s blog contains well-written, insightful content, internet users will be more likely to think highly of your company and consider your company a leader in its field. 

People are more likely to purchase products or services from businesses they feel like they already “know”.


2. Blogging helps you drive traffic to your website (great for SEO).

Every time you write a blog post, it’s one more indexed page on your website. It’s also one more cue to Google and other search engines that your website is active and they should be checking in frequently to see what content you’ve published that they should surface.


When you write a blog post that includes a few relevant keywords, you’re increasing your chances of people being able to find your company on search engines. Blogs usually rank pretty high on search engines like Google because they’re updated regularly, and Google definitely prefers dynamic websites to static ones.



3. Your blog will enhance relationships with consumers & potential clients (great for customer service).

A business blog is a way that is easily maintained as a method for regularly communicating with your customers. A business blog allows customers to get to know your company, and learn about your products, achievements, and innovations.

A blog allows your customers to find out more about you. They don’t have to be put on hold, or wait for office hours to call you. All of the info about your company should be found on your blog, so customers who have any questions or want to find out more about your business can easily do so.

A blog is one of the best ways to update customers on new products or services being offered. You can also answer customer inquiries quickly and more efficiently, and you can gain valuable feedback from your readers while using that feedback to make improvements and build a better business, as well as business relationships, with your client base.

Consumers will read your blog posts, and they might comment on them or tweet about them. When you reply, they’ll feel more connected to your business, and they’ll be more likely to use their hard-earned money to pay for the goods and/or services you’re offering.


4. A blog is a easy method for communicating with your employees
In-house staff communication just got MUCH easier. A blog differs from email in that a permanent record of posts is maintained by category. All employees receive the same information at the same time. Also if you have a member area set up you can monitor which employees have actually been keeping up with postson the blog and keep the information away from public eye. 


5. A blog gives you a voice (great for branding).

Every business needs a voice, and a blog is a simple way to do that. A blog can help manage your online reputation and give your business the voice and authority it needs to thrive.


6. Other bloggers will link to your content (great for SEO).

If you’re writing interesting, high quality content, other internet users will link to your blog posts on their websites and blogs. The more links you have, the more visible your blog will be on search engines. The more visible your blog is on search engines, the easier it will be for people to find your business.



7. Your blog can save you money (great for income).

Cutting back on your print, radio, and TV advertising efforts and putting more emphasis on online marketing strategies can save you a lot of money. 


8.  It helps convert that traffic into leads.

Now that you have traffic coming to your website through your blog, you have an opportunity to convert that traffic into leads.

Just like every blog post you write is another indexed page, each post is a new opportunity to generate new leads. And the way this works is really simple: Just add a lead-generating call-to-action to every blog post.


9.  It helps establish authority.

So what is an authority domain? 

It is one that search engines such as google, yahoo, and bing favor your domain.

The best business blogs answer common questions their leads and customers have. If you’re consistently creating content that’s helpful for your target customer, it’ll help establish you as an authority in their eyes. This is a particularly handy tool for Sales and Service professionals.


 10. It drives long-term results.

For instance, you sit down for an hour and write and publish a blog post today. Let’s say that blog post gets you 100 views and 10 leads. You get another 50 views and 5 leads tomorrow as a few more people find it on social media and some of your subscribers get caught up on their email and RSS. But after a couple days, most of the fanfare from that post dies down and you’ve netted 150 views and 15 leads.

Only it’s not done.

That blog post is now ranking in search engines. That means for days, weeks, months, and years to come, you can continue to get traffic and leads from that blog post. So while you’re surfing in Hawaii, picking up your kid from school, and hitting your snooze alarm, you’re also driving traffic and leads. One hour of effort today can turn into hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.

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 Sherry Parks Starnes

Sherry Starnes

[email protected]

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