Tips On Using Infographics In Your Blog

 infographicsIf you are new to Network Marketing or  to Blogging, you may not be aware of how using Infographics in your blog or on your website can get you more traffic.

What are Infographics and how can they help me? 

An infographic (information graphic) is a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance. People use infographics to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time.

 Just wanted to share a few tools with you to help you with your blogging activites. 

Watch my video and get information that may help you in your Network Marketing.


1. Piktochart

Piktochart is a web-based tool that has six decent free themes (and a whole bunch more for the paid version) for creating simple visualizations. You can drag and drop different shapes and images, and there is quite a bit of customization available. You can also add simple line, bar, and pie charts using data from CSV (or manual entry). You can export to PNG and JPG in either print or web quality. Note that with the free version, you get a small Piktochart watermark on the bottom of the PNG / JPG downloads.

2. is another free web-based tool for creating infographics. You cannot create graphs using real data with this tool, but its really good for conceptual visualizations and storytelling.

3. is another free, web-based tool with some really nice themes and a great interface for creating simple infographics. This option also allows you to create charts using real data. There are 31 chart options that offer some really cool displays, like a radial bar graph, scatter charts, bubble graphs, and map charts. You can also add your own images and video.

4. (I know, these visualization tools love their ‘.ly’s!) has some simple free tools worth mentioning, many of which integrate with social networks to analyze Twitter and Facebook data. You can create fun Venn diagrams, Twitter account show-downs, visuals that analyze hash tags, and a few others, but there’s almost no customization available.

5. Tableau

Tableau has some free tools for creating data visualizations. It is not web based, so you have to download the software. Once you do, you can upload a spreadsheet or CSV and create a variety of interactive data visualizations types, including heat maps showing density of an activity by location, Venn diagrams to show associations, bar charts, line graphs, and others.



VisualBee uses your content and our unique free PowerPoint templates along with appropriate graphics to create an effective PowerPoint presentation.  VisualBee inserts ready-made professional templates and backgrounds right into your presentation. All the slides can be easily edited and modified in the native PowerPoint format.

7. allows you to create presentations where you record yourself talking next to the slides you’re presenting. This tool might be a good way for people working remotely to share a proposal or concept, or for documenting presentations you’ve given on your blog or site.

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Have you used inforgraphics and what is your result?

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Sherry Starnes

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