Month: August 2016

How to Develop The Art And Science Of Conflict Resolution

One of the most brilliant physicists in world history, Albert Einstein, said: "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Welcome to today's Daily Shortcut episode, Episode #9! Watch the video below and find out more about developing the art and science of conflict resolution.

5 Simple Tips To Improve Yourself Daily

Are you someone who believes in personal growth? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? The more I grow, the more I realize there is so much out there I don’t know, so much that I have to learn.

How To Create A Vision For The Life You Want

Do you have a vision for your life? Have you written it down? Creating a vision for your life may seem like a waste of time but it’s not. Creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the life of your dreams. In the