"The Motivation Manifesto" by Brendon Burchard

In the video below, Brendon Burchard shares a short overview of his book “The Motivation Manifesto”.

I was thoroughly impressed with this video and I know you will be too.

Get Brendon’s book here free:

Full video and resources here:


The book focuses on 9 Declarations To Claim Your Personal Power.

A couple of key points he makes in the excerpt are:


Personal Freedom—our goal—means:

•living freely by crafting a life on our own terms;

•being free in the moment from oppressions, of
past hurts and present anxieties;

•being lighthearted and spontaneous as free spirits;

• courageously speaking our thoughts, feelings,
and ambitions with those around us, without
concern about acceptance;

• enjoying our free will to pursue abundant
happiness, wealth, health, achievement, and contribution;

• freely loving whom we choose with passionate

• standing freely on our own, professing and
protecting our ideas and integrity;

• serving a mission that we have chosen;

•fighting to give our children a foundation in such
freedom, building in their hearts the will to live
as they choose so that they may meet oppression with courage,
and an opportunity with virtuous intent to contribute.


I have not read the book but I have ordered it and you can do so too.

The book is free.
 All he asks is that you pay shipping & handling of $7.00.

Just from reading the excerpt, I know that “The Motivation Manifesto, 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power” is well worth the $7.

Heck, even the free excerpt is worth more than that.

You can get the free downloads and order his free book “The Motivation Manifesto” on the links below.

Get Brendon’s book here free:

Full video and resources here:


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