What are your greatest dreams?  Do you fully realize the power of great dreams?

What do you really, really want?

You may be looking for an opportunity to travel or own your own business.

You may be dreaming about becoming a writer or photographer.

You may be dreaming about leaving your 9-5 JOB and spending more time with your family.

In order to fulfill all of our dreams you have to have a clear intention and desire.


Your dream is more likely to come true if you first see it clearly in your mind.

You need to develop a clear vision of what you want and be specific with your intentions so that God (Universe, your creator) has a clear structure to work with. 

Write your intentions in positive language rather than in terms of what you don’t want, because the important part of formulating intentions is to generate a field of awareness that feels spiritually complete, whole, and content. 

As you think about  become clear about who you are and what would truly make you happy.

Your intention is much more powerful when it comes from a place of contentment than if it arises from a sense of lack or need.

Stay focused and refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms.

Your higher self knows that despite any appearances to the contrary, everything is all right and will be all right, even though you don’t know  the timing or the details of what will happen. 

Take a few minutes to write down your intentions. 

Be as specific as possible and don’t limit yourself.

Let go of any thoughts of what you “should” want.

Your heart knows your greatest dreams, so give yourself some time to meditate, become still, and connect to the authentic voice of your true self.

The Future Belongs To Those Who Dream

Now that you have a clear vision of what you really want, what steps are you willing to take to fulfill your dreams?

Take a look at the system I am using that is creating 5-6 figure monthly income earners in our company and it’s changing people’s lives.