Are You An Amateur Or Professional Salesperson?

Think about it. Are you an amateur or professional salesperson?  Maybe you’re not sure.


I think Stephen R. Covey defines the difference between an amateur and a professional salesperson very well in his book “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.


 Covey says:

  • The Amateur salesperson sells the product.
  • The Professional salesperson sells solutions to needs and problems
  • The Professional salesperson learns how to diagnose
  • The Professional salesperson learns how to relate people’s needs to his product or services.


“Seek first to understand is a correct principle evident in all areas of life.  It’s a generic, common denominator principle, but it has its greatest power in the area of interpersonal relationships.”


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


To enhance your skills in becoming a professional salesperson, take a look at the products we have that will help you strengthen your expertise in marketing, personal development, and overall business success.

Take a look here.


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