Why Churches Should Blog



Occasionally I get something on my mind and feel
the need to write an article about it.  Today is one
of those days and guess what…by having my own
blogging platform I can write about anything I choose.


The subject/topic/thought (whatever you want to call it)
that has been on my mind is why it is important to
churches to have a blog?



I think the number one reason is to get the message out.


A blog can be your pulpit, your publication, your journal,
your way of contacting and staying in touch with
members who are unable to attend your service.


Even if your church has a TV ministry, more than likely the
service is only aired at specific times and dates.  With a blog,
anyone can enjoy the service at anytime they choose 
and whenever they choose, as long as they have a computer 
or a mobile device.


A blog provides your church a great place to offer people
additional information that reinforces your message.
Rather than overstuff your website with info, you can
provide updates and resources on your blog. If your website
lays out the mission and message of your church, your blog
gives it a voice.


You can use your blog to post:

• Sermons

• Devotionals

• Resources

• Guest bloggers can share testimonies


A blog is also a great way to create your church identity online.
Through regular postings on your blog you can show and tell
people more about who you are and why you are unique.
Because of your blog, people will talk more about and share
the great sermons, stories and devotionals your church provides.


Your church blog can be used to

• Reach more people

• Engage your community

• Strengthen your identity


If your church wants to reach more people, don’t be afraid to
embrace the power of blogging. A church blog gives you an
ideal stage to voice the message and mission of your church
on the Internet.


Are you ready to get started?


If you received value from this post please leave comments
below and definitely share this information with your friends,
family, and your church members so they to can benefit from it.


For more information about how you too can have your own
unique blogging platform click here. < < —


I look forward to working with you personally to help you
get started.  Click here now so I may do that.


One very important aspect I forgot to mention is if you
have a smart phone, you can shoot a video (sermon/message)
on your phone & have it on your blog in a matter of minutes. 
How awesome is that?


Spread the Word…your church needs and should have a blog.


I feel confident in saying there is no scripture in the Bible that says
“Thou Shall Blog” . However, I do feel confident in saying
“Spread The Word”.


Make every day your best day ever,



Sherry Parks Starnes

Sherry Starnes


[email protected]


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Mark 16:15  And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (NKJV)














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