11 Major Attributes of Leadership

While on the morning “Mindset” call today, the 11 Major Attributes of Leadership was discussed and some very valuable information was shared  and it was important enough to me to share it with others.

The call I was on is called the “Think and Grow Rich” mindset call and I would like to invite to you dial in on this call at  9am EST Monday-Friday: 712-432-0900 – Access Code: 565762#

Replay Number: 712-432-0990 Access Code: 565762# (Usually up for 12 hours)

Watch this video as I share some valuable information with you.


Here is a list of 11 Major Attributes of Leadership as defined in the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon. I highly recommend reading and studying the entire book but for right now study these attributes and see how they fit into your life.

1.  Unwavering Courage – based upon knowledge of self, and of one’s occupation.  No follower wishes to be dominated by a leader who lacks self-confidence and courage. No intelligent follower will be dominated by such a leader very long.

2. Self-Control. The man who cannot control himself can never control others.  Self-control sets a mighty example for one’s followers, which the more intelligent will emulate.

3.  Keen Sense of Justice.  Without a sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of this followers.

4.  Definiteness of Decision. The man who wavers in his decisions, shows that he is not sure of himself, cannot lead others successfully.

5.  Definiteness of Plans. The successful leader must plan his work, and work his plan.  A leader who movers by guess-work, without practical, definite plans, is comparable to a ship without a rudder.  Sooner or later he will land on the rocks.

6.  The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For. One of the penalties of leadership is the necessity of willingness. upon the part of the leader, to do more than he requires of his followers.

7.  A Pleasing Personality.  No slovenly, careless person can become a successful leader.  Leadership calls for respect.  Followers will not respect a leader who does not grade high on all of the factors of a pleasing personality.

8.  Sympathy and Understanding.  The successful leader must be in sympathy with his followers.  Moreover, he must understand them and their problems.

9.  Mastery of Detail.  Successful leadership calls for mastery of the details of the leader’s position.

10.  Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility.  The successful leader must be willing to assume responsibility for the mistakes, and the shortcomings of his followers.  If he tries to shift this responsibility, he will not remain the leader.  If one of his followers makes a mistake, and shows himself incompetent, the leader must consider that it is he who failed.

11.  Cooperation.  The successful leader must understand and apply the principle of cooperative effort and be able to induce his followers to do the same.  Leadership calls for power, and power calls for cooperation.

I hope you received some value from this post “11 Major Attributes of Leadership“ and if you did please share and leave a comment below.

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