Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Review -Part 4

Secrets of the Millionaire MindPart 4 of this book review of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker will discuss Wealth Files 12-17.


To read the previous posts on this book click here for part 1 (Overall Review), click here for part 2 (Wealth files 1-5), and click here for part 3 (Wealth Files 6-11).

Wealth File #12

Rich people think “both”.  Poor people think “either/or”.
Rich people think and live in a world of abundance. They understand that with a little creativity you can have the best of both worlds and not have to choose between family, wealth, God, friends or anything else.  They know they can have everything.  Rich people believe they can have “their cake and eat it too”. Poor people live in a world of limitations.  They feel they don’t deserve cake and settle for less and wonder why they have nothing.

Wealth File #13

Rich people focus on their net worth.  Poor people focus on their working income.
Rich people understand the difference between working income and net work and realize the working income is only one of the four factors that determine net worth.  These factors are income, savings, investments, and simplification.  They understand the building a high net worth is essential. Poor people only focus on the income part of these factors and therefore, end up with a low or no net worth.

Wealth File #14

Rich people manage their money well.  Poor people mismanage their money well.
Poor people either mismanage their money or they avoid talking about money altogether. One reason they mismanage money is because it restricts their freedom or they may not have enough money to manage.  Rich people understand that if they manage their money well, they will have more money to manage.  “Until you show you can handle what you’ve got, you won’t get anymore”.

Wealth File #15

Rich people have their money work hard for them.  Poor people work hard for their money.
Poor people see a dollar as a dollar to trade for something their want right now.  Rich people see a dollar as a seed that can be planted to earn more dollars.  Rich people think long-term and understand passive income and want to be financially free meaning that they will have the ability to live the lifestyle they desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money.

Wealth File #16

Rich people act in spite of fear.  Poor people let fear stop them.
Poor people let fear, doubt, and worry interfere with their success. They do not want to step out of their comfort zone.  Rich people realize the only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable.  If you want to be rich and successful, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Wealth File #17

Rich people constantly learn and grow.  Poor people think they already know.
Poor people think they already know everything and there is not reason to learn anything else.  They claim they can’t afford to get educated due to lack of time or money.  Rich people relate to the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”  Rich people understand the knowledge is power and to be paid the best you have to be the best.

One final thought that Eker referred to was a quote by Jim Rohn

“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

This part of the review completes the 17 Wealth Files. In part 5, I am going to list some of the Wealth Principles referred to in this book.

As I noted earlier to read the previous posts on this book click here for part 1 (Overall Review), click here for part 2 (Wealth files 1-5), and click here for part 3 (Wealth Files 6-11).

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