Are You Coachable?


Are you coachable or do you already know everything?



Being coachable means being able to let go of your pride and ego and become teachable, trainable, AND coachable.

Putting it another way, being coachable is agreeing to follow the guidance of someone else without questioning it.  It’s putting full faith in the person teaching you a new skill, technique, or profession and being open to learning it that way.

Bottom line is you will either be open (coachable) to new ways of doing things, or you will be limited to staying with the knowledge you already have, thence you will stay right where you are and never grow to your potential.

The most successful business professionals have sought out coaches and mentors. Why?

Because they know that you can’t be brilliant by yourself. They know that all successful business professionals have utilized coaches/leaders/mentors. They know that with guidance, accountability, and help, their success will be magnified.

In the end, those that are coachable find coaches and follow their advice and guidance and those that aren’t make excuses for why they don’t need one.

Are you Coachable?

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Sherry Starnes


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